Monday, December 7, 2009

Who's in charge of your brand?

Real time search - Google
This is great. Information is now so fast, there is almost no time for marketers to tell people who they are, or how good they are, or to buy their products.

The consumer (you and me) will tell each other in real time what we need to know! So you just finished your Double Double Animal Style Burger at In and Out. Tweet how great it was. Then half way around the world someone searches for In and Out and up comes your tweet just seconds later. You no longer have to even finish the burger and you can comment. Wow cool and dangerous. (OK half way around the world they can't get an In and Out Double Double and they will be so envious.)

Marketers, you are no longer in charge of your brand, the consumer is. So you better have amazing customer service and amazing products or I might just tweet you right out of business.

Are there ways to manager this? Yes to a degree, but it takes commitment and the willingness to take a chance and maybe even fail. Wow scary. But gone are the days of a bad product and a great brand perception. It's just not possible. But if you have a great product find someone to partner with to get out there.

Take a gander at this video off you tube.

Have fun out there.
David Yost
Creative Director

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